Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Star Wars

On my way home tonight, I started thinking about Star Wars. First off, Star Wars is not nerdy. It was a great trilogy (2x), and it wasn't even based on any books that I had to read first so I could sit in the theater and not worry if Lucas left something out. I would put this series only behind The Godfather trilogy. ANYWAYS, I started thinking about the best scenes from the six movies, and I decided to create a top 5 list.

5. ) Obi Wan Kenobi vs. General Grievous (Episode III)
This was the best fight between a stunt double and a special effect villain by far. It featured one lightsaber vs. 4 lightsabers. The only reason I only have this at #5 is because it was just way too short of a battle.

4.) The Death Star Battle (Episode IV)
For a movie that was shot in 1977, the Death Star battle was beyond impressive. It felt almost too real. George Lucas hit the nail on the head right away.

3.) Obi Wan Kenobi vs. Anakin Skywalker (Episode III)
I almost put this at #2, but because of all the special effects, I just couldn't. This fight was pretty much perfect, though. It was long enough and had kickass stunts. It had that real good vs. evil feel to it as well.

2.) Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Maul (Episode I)
This was definitely my favorite lightsaber battle out of all six movies. Two vs. one, two lightsabers vs. a double bladed lightsaber, and crazy stunts. What's not to love?

1.) Battle of Endor (Episode VI)
This may a controversial #1 to some, but this was by far my favorite scene from the six movies. I was just a sucker for space battles. I didn't even care that they kept cutting from the action to the emperor's dry conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting list. Maybe I should make my own.... Hmm... If I do I'll link to yours. I feel that the Grievous battle should've went like this: Obi Wan cuts off one of his 4 hands, then takes his lightsaber. Now its 2 lightsabers vs 3. more believable. ;)The space battle of Endor definitely was better than the ground battle. Ewoks... yub nub
